Home page
Michelle Giesbert, Psychologist

Welcome on my website!
Are you someone who senses what others expect of you? How they judge you and feel about you? And, as a consequence, are you adaptive to them – to the point of losing your own identity?
Maybe you have decided you want to change. That you want to feel the same empathy for You, as you do for others. To stand self confident in your choices without feeling guilty. In that case, you have come to the right place!
But first things first…. it is likely you are on my website for a reason. And if the above applies to you, you might be experiencing some problems with low self-esteem, trauma, or with being highly sensitive.

Problems you may encounter may include:
– people pleasing
– low self-esteem
– co-dependency
– attachment problems
– difficulty in dealing with conflicts
– anxiety
– trauma
– self criticism
– feeling responsible for the feelings of others
– problems in your relationship
– feeling overwhelmed
– stress
– difficulty being assertive
My beliefs
I believe you have the strength it takes to become who you really are.
I believe you may live in unconditional love for yourself and others, with healthy boundaries.
I believe the world is more beautiful because of you.
I believe the ‘harshness’ in the world is trauma based.
So how does it work?
I will first tell you what I will not offer… I will not be another critical voice in your head, as I believe that you have been self-critical and judgmental for too long. Instead, I will stand next to you on your journey and support you wherever you want to go.
I offer both online and face-to-face sessions
I will invite you to explore your story.
To find out what exactly it is that you would like to ‘achieve’ or feel as a result of finding help.
I have a professional background as a psychologist and with my diploma in psychotherapy. And so, if you want, I can offer insights. Insights that help you become the expert on your own thinking, feeling and doing. Through those insights, new options will arise. And you may choose how you want to be in life. Or even better: who you choose to be. For you may experience the Freedom to be who you truly are.
My way of working
I am trained in and used to working with a different range of techniques and methods.
In standing next to you, I will not follow a scripted protocol. Instead I will hear what you would like to understand and achieve and that will help me understand what method suits you best.
Methods I might use are Transactional Analysis, EMDR, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Trauma therapy (such as Felt Sense and Somatic Experiencing) and Non-Violent Communication.
Is treatment covered by my insurance?
As I am located in The Netherlands, people that are insured in this country may be eligible for partial cover of their treatment. Detailed information might be found at https://freetobeme.one/session fee.
Waiting list
At times I might have a waiting list. Using the ‘contact’ page, you can send me a message to check. Sessions can be arranged on Fridays or Saturdays.